
District Partnerships


¹ú²ú͵ÅÄ's credential and graduate programs address improvement priorities identified by the K-12 learning communities in all our locations (Mission Valley, Point Loma, and Bakersfield).

For example, explicitly addressing the needs of English learners and special education students with a differentiated curriculum is a top priority for all faculty in the School of Education. Both credential and degree candidates in all programs leave ¹ú²ú͵ÅÄ with special competency in addressing these priorities in their learning communities and are required to document evidence of increased professional practice and actual effect on student learning in their graduate coursework. Such skills equip ¹ú²ú͵ÅÄ alumni to better serve students as well as be more marketable job candidates.

Candidate's Perspective: Cohesive K-12 Professional Development/Graduate Study

K-12 partnerships include a purposeful, streamlined integration of K-12 professional development and graduate coursework to provide a cohesive and highly relevant course of study from the graduate candidate's perspective.

K-12 experts and university faculty work side-by-side to develop this powerful integration and application of university coursework to the school setting. Recent integration efforts with K-12 partners have encompassed all levels of teacher credentialing, starting with intern credentials and the Master of Arts in Education coursework in teaching and learning and special education.

Educational Leadership Cohort

¹ú²ú͵ÅÄ reaches out to local school districts and provides the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential to cohorts of district teachers who are aspiring administrators. These district-based programs include highly relevant applied fieldwork and practicum experiences focused on district priorities for administrative credential candidates.

The M.A. in Teaching and Learning or Special Education

The coursework in these programs (Teaching and Learning or Special Education) offers graduate study honors evidence of candidate proficiency from BTSA work and intensive district and special education professional development.